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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Everyone is Hitler...Not Really

Hank Williams Jr. comparing the President to Hitler

So this story is a bit dated I know, but I'd like to use it as an example for the utter rage I feel whenever one of these stories surface. Hank Williams Jr., a country star (more so because of his dad than anything else, but that's another story.)  and also known as "the guy who does the Monday Night Football" theme  on Fox and Friends on Fox News comparing President Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler. Yes, that Obama. And that Hitler. After the appearance, ESPN decided to take his theme song off of Monday Night Football. Now, this wouldn't make news if some guy had said it, but because a "celebrity" said it it made all the rounds.

First thing's soon as this story broke, my Facebook feed and Twitter exploded with "Oh, what happened to free speech, man? I thought this was 'Merica, man!" Well, it is still America. And free speech does not apply to this case. Stop crying like little girls and learn your country's history and at least have a basic understanding of the Bill of Rights, one of the most important documents for our country, and, arguably, the world. The free speech and 1st Amendment apply to persecution by government for something you say. Not to private enterprise. So if ESPN wants to take his theme off of their show because they think his stupid comments are going to hurt their ratings, that's their right. No government official was going to come after Hank Williams for his comment. No agency was fining him. No department was arresting him or restricting his speech.

Second, stop the Hitler comparisons. All of you. And especially you. Not you, you're okay. But you, definitely. Why? Why Hitler? Let's leave Hitler as Hitler, shall we? I'm sick and tired of people comparing anyone they don't like politically to an evil dictator, racist, genocidal, power-hungry maniac who single-handedly started a world war and was accountable for millions of lost lives. The President is not Hitler. George Bush is not Hitler. Scott Walker is not Hitler and guess what? Chris Christie isn't Hitler either. Now, I get it's a comparison. If you were to say, "Stalin, man. He's like Hitler." I'd be like, "Yeah, that's fair. He is like Hitler." Or, "Mao Zedong, man. He's like...Hitler." Ok, also fair. President Obama? No. Not so much. President Bush? Nah...not really Hitler.

I know I harped on that a bit, but I really wanted to get that point across. Please...MODERATION! That's all I ask for. Just a little. I know people are passionate about their politics and the rhetoric is heated and people are mad and the country's going to hell and yadda yadda yadda...but does calling any political figure we like Hitler helping matters? Isn't that throwing gas on the fire? Let's lighten up people.

Oh, P.S. Hank Williams III is 10 times more awesome than Hank Williams Jr. anyhow. Especially in music. Hank Williams Jr. has the Monday Night Football theme song and (I assume) some lame country albums? How about Assjack, a punk metal band? Yeah, that's right. Assjack. Awesome. Here they are, doing Assjack stuff.

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